The People module stores people's basic personal information, whether they are customers, members, subscribers, donors, or campaign owners. This information is seamlessly integrated with the more business-oriented modules in Cornerstone, such as Shop, Membership, Message, and Fundraising. Consolidating all personal information in one place distinguishes Cornerstone from typical CMS-based systems, which rely on plugins for shop and fundraising functionalities. Cornerstone ensures that information is not redundantly stored and guarantees a high level of security and privacy.
By controlling the privacy settings for each individual's details, you can exert precise control over access to sensitive information such as photos, phone numbers, social security numbers, and emails based on a user's role.
Search results can be generated based on a complex set of criteria, leveraging all interactions with the business modules. For instance, you can search based on the date of the latest purchase from the store or the minimum total amount of donations received this year. These powerful search capabilities enable targeted outreach to specific segments of your audience using SMS and email communication tools.
Moreover, all people and organization objects can be synchronized with real users and groups within the system, making it an excellent tool for collaboration and information sharing.